Franz Fuchsberger
Chief FLASHMeister
Franz, aka FUXI, built Fuxi Racing from the ground-up. From the days of selling suits out the back of his truck to today, with his multiple locations, FUXI has brought the flash and un-matched enthusiasm!
FUXI is proud to offer the most innovative race-suit on the market, FR's signature product, as well as everything you need to be
Renee Blizzard
Shop Manager
Renee and her daughter, Mackenzie, worked with FR during the '24 NASTAR National Championships. The Blizzard family was such a phenomenal fit that Fuxi offered Renee the opportunity to manage the Govy/Mt. Hood 1-Stop-Shop for the summer of '24. Luckily for FR she accepted the position!
As a parent of an U16 ski racer, Renee gets this crazy ski racing industry. She is looking forward to bringing her expertise to Government Camp to assist first-timers to seasoned Hood veterans.
Renee, while retired, has an extensive background as a business owner and as a school district administrator. She will be
pivotal in the future of Fuxi Racing.
We're ecstatic about the breadth of knowledge and experience Renee brings to Fuxi Racing.

Govy Shop Assistant
Kenzie worked with FR during the '24 NASTAR National Championships along with her mom, Renee Blizzard. After that week, Fuxi was thrilled to offer the opportunity to for Kenzie and Renee to head up operations of the Govy 1-Stop-Shop for the Summer of '24.
Kenzie comes to the table with expert knowledge of ski racing and running a business. Kenzie is the woman behind "Attack from the Back". A clothing retail company which donates all profits to various charities. Currently, all profits go to Education Rocks and World Cup Dreams Foundation.
Kenzie's story is one of resilience and offers endless inspiration. We're beyond proud to have her be part of #TeamFUXI
Find Mackenzie online
Instagram: @attack.from.the.back
Meri Stratton
Administrative Manager
In the 90’s I worked for the US Ski Team managing the Masters program among other jobs working with the team. Earlier, as a Masters racer, I had a crazy idea and invited all our ski race friends to Mt Hood for a summer race. By 2001, I had met Franz Fuchsberger (Fuxi) who then was Schneider Racing USA, and he wanted to be a race sponsor. Shortly thereafter, he started Fuxi Racing USA. Thru the years, we became friends working together on the sponsorship of the Summer Fun Nationals while he was running his business.
Magically, the years flew by and I found myself not only with the administration and promotion of Summer Fun Nationals but also helping Fuxi with various aspects of Fuxi Racing. Today, he fondly calls me his troubleshooter but he has given me the title of Administrative Manager because I do a wide variety.

The FuxiFLASH Family
Fuxi has a soft spot for wayward souls. These Oregon Natives were sad and lonely at a Hood River Goodwill shop. Fux couldn't bear to leave them behind. Next time you are in the Fuxi Racing 1-Stop-Shop be sure to stop and meet the family: SPÃTLZEE, SCHNITZEL, BLACKIE, ZORRITO, FUXITA STRUDEL, FUXITO, and POW POW sporting his Powder8 bib.